This page contain download links for all the version of superb slideshow gallery WordPress plugin. Select the plugin version to get the download link.
Change log
Version 1.0
First version
Version 2.0
Tested up to 3.1.2
Peek-a-boo Option for description.
Version 3.0
Tested up to 3.2.1
Version 4.0
Only Admin user can access the plugin menu in the admin.
wp_register_script method has been used to load JS file.
Version 5.0
4.0 bug fixed.
Version 6.0
Tested up to 3.3
Version 7.0
Tested up to 3.4
Version 8.0
Fixed plug-in directory violations issue
Version 9.0
Tested up to 3.4.1
Java script loaded by using the wp_enqueue_scripts hook (instead of the init hook)
Slight change in the short code, Please find the new short code for your slieshow.
Version 10.0
New demo link,
Version 10.1
Tested up to 3.4.2
Version 10.2
Tested up to WordPress 3.5
Avoid registering the alternate jQuery.
From this version we are using existing wordpress jQuery.
Version 11.0
Tested up to WordPress 3.6
Added some security feature.
New admin look.
Version 11.1
1. Tested up to 3.8
2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages.
Plugin *.po file (ssg.po) available in the languages folder. Translators Welcome.
3. Supports network multisite website (Manual table creation required).
Version 11.2
1. Tested up to 3.9
2. Added some security feature.
Version 11.3
Tested up to 4.0
Version 11.4
Tested up to 4.1
Version 11.5
Tested up to 4.2.2
Version 11.6
1. Tested up to 4.3
2. Image upload option is added in the plugin admin. With this option you can easily upload (or select from media) your images into this plugin.
Version 11.7
1. Tested up to 4.3.1
2. Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs.
Version 11.8
Tested up to 4.4
Version 11.9
1. Tested up to 4.5
2. Sanitization added for all input value.
Version 12.0
Tested up to 4.6
Version 12.1
Tested up to 4.7
Version 12.2
Tested up to 4.8
Version 12.3
Tested up to 4.9
Version 12.4
1. Tested up to 5.2
2. Uninstall option added. All plugin reference and plugin table will be cleared during uninstallation.
3. Converted admin JS alert message into WP class file.
Live demo