This is a add-on plugin for Email Subscribers plugin. This will extend the Email Subscribers plugin Subscribers Form functionality. With this plugin you can provide option to your users to select interested group in the Subscribers Form. It will create separate menu called Advanced Form within Email Subscribers plugin menu. There we have option to control form fields. Both widget and short code options are available for this plugin. Also please note that this plugin works only if you have active Email Subscribers plugin in your dashboard.
Email subscribers plugin Live Demo available in this page. Enter valid email to get demo welcome mail. We don’t send any newsletter to your email.
Plugin Features
1. Option to display or hide subscribers form Name field.
2. Option to display or hide subscribers form Interested Group field.
3. Option to set mandatory field both Name and Interested Group.
Live Demo
This is live demo of this plugin. Enter your email in this subscription form to see the behavior of this plugin. We don't save your email and we don't send any newsletter to your email. this is only for demo purpose.
Plugin Prerequisite
This is add-on plugin, To use this plugin Email Subscribers plugin to be activated before this plugin.
Installation instruction
1. Download the plugin from download location.
2. Go to Plugins and Add New menu in your website dashboard.
3. Select upload link (top horizontal link menu).
4. Upload the available file and click Install Now button.
5. Finally click activate plug-in link to activate the plug-in.
Subscribers Form Screen

Plugin configuration
Short code for posts and pages
Example : [email-subscribers-advanced-form id="1"]
Widget option
Go to widget menu and drag and drop the Email Subscribers Advanced Form widget to your sidebar location.
Add directly in the theme
<?php es_af_subbox( $id = "1" ); ?>
Frequently asked questions
Q1. How to create Subscribers Form?
Go to Admin Dashboard ==> Email Subscriber ==> Advanced Form
There your have option to create and update Subscriber Form details. Also in the same page you can find short code details
Q2. Is widget available for this plugin?
Yes, Widget option is available for this plugin. Please go to dashboard widget menu to find more details.
Plugin official page