This page contain download links for all the version of Vertical scroll recent post WordPress plugin. Select the plugin version to get the download link.
Change log
Version 1.0
First version.
Version 2.0
CSS height problem solved.
Version 3.0
We can use this plug-in in two different way.
1. Go to widget menu and drag and drop the “Vertical scroll recent post” widget to your sidebar location. or
2. Copy and past the mentioned code to your desired template location.
Version 4.0
New three option added to select the post.
Categories selection, select display Order by, select display order
To change the setting go to “vertical scroll recent post” menu under “setting tab”
Version 5.0
Tested up to 3.0
Version 6.0
Security fixes (Only admin user can see the plug-in menu in the dashboard)
Tested up to 3.1.3
Version 7.0
Tested up to 3.3
Version 8.0
JavaScript added using wp_enqueue_script()
Reset Query issue has been fixed.
Version 9.0
Tested up to 3.4
Version 10.0
Tested up to 3.4.1
New demo link
Version 10.1
Tested up to 3.4.2
Version 10.2
Tested up to 3.5
Version 11.0
Tested up to 3.6
Version 11.2
1. Tested up to 3.8
2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. Plugin *.po file (vertical-scroll-recent-post.po) available in the languages folder.
Version 11.3
Tested up to 3.9
Version 11.4
Tested up to 4.0
Version 11.6
Changed options page layout, made it more user-friendly
Added option to display thumbnail before post’s title
Changed option for displayed categories, users can now select them easier
Version 11.7
Added date format option, default option is WordPress date format
Version 11.7.1
Fixed problem with empty categories select given in options page
Version 12.0
1. Fixed bug with children categories of posts.
2. Awaiting bugs/feature requests.
Version 12.1
Tested up to 4.2.2
Version 12.2
Tested up to 4.3
Version 12.3
Fixed a weird issue with post not scrolling due to a JavaScript error
Version 12.4
Tested up to 4.4
Version 12.5
1. Tested up to 4.5
2. Sanitization added for all input value.
Version 12.6
Tested up to 4.6
Version 12.7
Tested up to 4.7
Version 12.8
Tested up to 4.8
Version 12.9
Tested up to 4.9
Version 13.0
1. Tested up to 5.0
2. “Updating Failed” error message when adding plugin shortcode in Shortcode Block is fixed
Version 13.1
1. Tested up to 5.1
Version 13.2
1. Tested up to 5.2
2. jQuery reference added
Live demo