Do you like to display the RSS feed with a scroller? then use this RSS scroller WordPress plugin. This plugin will display the RSS feed with a simple scroller or ticker. It gradually reveals each item into view from left to right. This will display the feed title one by one with a horizontal scroller. on the whole, your RSS feed title will scroll on the post/widget with a clickable title.
RSS scroller plugin features
- Compatible with all major RSS feed.
- Shortcode available for posts/pages. Also, widget options.
- Wonderful scroller effect. as well, supports all the browser.
- Linkable title on the scroll.
Plugin live demo is available on this page below. Likewise, you may also be interested in the message ticket WordPress plugin. Instead of the ticker effect, if you want to vertically move the entire title, use the plugin Scroll RSS excerpt.
Live Demo
RSS scroller installation instruction
Install the plugin using the admin upload option
First, download the plugin from the download location. Login to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the Plugins menu. And click Add New menu to upload the downloaded ZIP file. Select the upload plugin button. Upload the available ZIP file and click Install Now button. Finally, click activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Install the plugin via the admin search option
Sign in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Plugins menu and click Add New. Search RSS scroller plugin using the search option. Find the plugin in the search result and click Install Now link, so that the plugin will be installed automatically on the website. Finally, click activate plugin button to activate the plugin.
RSS scroller admin page
In your WordPress administrator section go to the Settings menu and select the RSS scroller link to configure this plugin. Also, here you will see the text box to enter the RSS feed.

RSS scroller configuration
In this section, we are going to see all the available options. First, select the best option as per your requirements to add the scrolling text galley to your webpage.
The easiest way is to expand the widget section. Then, click the ‘Plus’ icon on the top to bring up the widget block menu. Finally, Search the widget RSS scroller and drag and drop to your widget section. Also, you can use the plugin shortcode in the widget editor.
Shortcodes are an easy way to add plugins into your WordPress posts, pages, and sidebars. This plugin provides the shortcodes option. please find the code below. additionally, this is the best option to add the plugin in the post content.
[rss-scroller url="url1" width="200" height="60" delay="3000" speed="5"]
Add to the theme:
Activate the plugin and use the below PHP code to your desired template location in the theme PHP file to show the plugin on the theme. It allows you to embed the shortcode anywhere you want.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[rss-scroller url="url1" width="200" height="60" delay="3000" speed="5"]' ); ?>
Frequently asked questions
1. How to change the scroll speed of the plugin?
Sign in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Settings menu, in that click the RSS Scroller menu. On this page, you will see all the available options. To configure the shortcode use the parameter in the shortcode itself. For example, to change the speed use the speed parameter in the shortcode.
2. Where to change the feed URL?
Go to the administration page, where we have a text box option to enter the RSS feed links.
3. Is possible to use my own text instead of an RSS feed?
Use the message ticker WordPress plugin to add your own text instead of the RSS feed. in addition, you also try the Marquee XML RSS feed scroll plugin.
4. How do I change the scrolling direction?
No option is available in this plugin to change the direction. But, check my footer. lots of other plugins available with different scrolling options.
5. How to add multiple feed links to the shortcode?
Currently, we have the option to add only one link. However, we will check this feature in the upcoming releases.
Plugin official page
Download location