Vertical scroll recent article Joomla module scroll the article title in your Joomla website, the article title will scroll from bottom to top vertically. This is the best and fashionable way to show your latest article to users. No coding knowledge is required to set up this module. In the administrator section, we have the option to filter the article by category and tags.
Features of this module
- Easy installation.
- Simple and portable.
- Easy scroll setting.
- User can set the newest post at sidebar.
- It’s scrolling so it occupies less space in sidebar.
- Option to select the category.
- Option to choose order.
- Option to select random order.
Module live demo available below. You may also be Interested in Article title slider Joomla module.
Live Demo
Module installation instruction
1. Download Vertical scroll recent article Joomla module from the download location. Select the correct ZIP file depends on your Joomla version.
2. Login into the administrator section of your Joomla site.
3. In the menu, Go to System, Install and then click the Extensions menu.
4. Click Browse and select the module you downloaded, then click Upload & Install button.
5. When your Joomla module has been uploaded and installed successfully, you will see a confirmation message.
Admin screen for Joomla 3.7

Admin screen for Joomla 4.2

Creating a new module instance
In your Joomla admin go to the Site Modules (System, Manage menu in your admin menu). You should see the module vertical scroll recent article listed among the others. Simply click on the module name to open the module editor.
If you cannot find an instance of your new module, click the new button. The new vertical scroll recent article module should be listed among the types available, select vertical scroll recent article which will create a new instance.
Module configuration

Title : It is essential to set a title for the module.
Position: The position on the page where the module will be displayed.
Status: The module needs to be published in order for it to display.
Module Assignment: Assign the module to all pages.
Scroll Height: Each article title height in the scroll. (e.g. 40)
Display Count: Display the number of articles at the same time in the scroll. (e.g. 3)
Number of Chars: Number of characters to display in the article title scroll.
Category: Enter article category to filter.
Tags: Enter article tags to filter.
Number of Articles: Enter the number of article titles to display in the slider.
Featured Articles: Select featured articles display option.
Order Results: Select article scroll display order.
Frequently asked questions
Q1) How many numbers of recent posts title will scroll?
We have the option to enter the number of posts we want to select from the database.
Q2) How many numbers of recent posts title will display at the same time?
Go to Site Module >> Vertical scroll recent article >> Article Setting (See above screen), in this section you can find the option to update the setting.
Q3) How to arrange the scroll setting?
Go to Site Module >> Vertical scroll recent article >> Scroll Setting (See above screen), in this section you can find the option to update the setting.
Module official page
Download location
Joomla page